What Causes Mould In The Bathroom And How To Prevent It


If you've noticed some black mould in the bathroom, it's time to take action! Black mould can cause health issues and continues to grow unless taken care of. Luckily, preventing mould is easier than you might think.

Mould of any kind, including black mould, can appear anywhere in the bathroom. Although you can remove it quickly enough, it's helpful to understand what causes black mould in the bathroom to prevent it from recurring. So, read on and learn how to prevent mould in bathroom spaces and what causes it.

Find out how you can learn more from our articles, such as how to spruce up your bathroom this spring, bathroom habits, and 10 ways you can transform your bathroom on a budget.

What Are the Common Causes of Bathroom Mould

Bathroom Mould

A recent study found three main causes of mould: building problems, water damage and condensation.

The warm moist environment of the bathroom is the perfect place for mould to grow. This type of fungus also grows in spaces that have very little ventilation.

You can encounter mould growth in the cracks between tiles, bathroom rugs, shower walls, pipes, and leaky toilets.

How To Prevent Black Mould In the Bathroom

One of the worst types of mould in the bathroom is black mould. Black mould is a type of fungus that is slimy and difficult to remove.

Fortunately, there are some measures you can take towards mould prevention in bathroom spaces. Learn how to eradicate mould in bathroom spaces by reading the helpful tips in the list below:

Make Sure To Leave The Window Opened After A Shower

It might be a surprise to hear, but fungus spores are everywhere. They are indoors and outdoors, floating around and waiting for a suitable environment to land in and take root. When you open your bathroom window after a shower, you deprive the spores of the chance to land and grow.

Remove Any Excess Condensation

According to the BBC, condensation is the leading cause of mould in the UK. Fresh air and clean surfaces are the enemies of fungus spores. Unfortunately, it can be a full-time job to eradicate mould in the bathroom due to condensation build-up.

Ensure you open windows and wipe around the shower regularly. You can also buy a mildew-resistant shower curtain.

Place Purifying Plants In Your Bathroom

Purifying Plants

If you love plants, there's an easy way to eradicate fungus spores in your bathroom. Purifying plants such as the spider plant, snake plant and peace lily are valuable plants for reducing mould spores from the air.

Leave Your Bathroom Fan Running

A bathroom fan has two functions, it's designed to remove odours from the bathroom, but it also helps remove moisture. If your bathroom doesn't have a window, leaving the fan on after use to release spores is even more crucial. It's also helpful in removing excess moisture from the air.

Put Your Shower Essentials On A Soap Dish Or Storage Rack

Have you noticed that soap and shower body wash start to get scummy when you leave them on the bathtub porcelain or acrylic? The soap and moisture create the perfect microenvironment for spores to flourish. Using a soap dish and shower rack can reduce mould taking hold!

Use Rinse-Free Formulas

A rinse-free formula is a product that doesn't require any further cleaning. All you have to do is spray the cleaner at the end of your shower and leave it to work. This spray helps keep mould and mildew at bay without much effort.

Don't remove mould with treatments; use preventative products so it can't even find a place to grow.

Maintain A Regular Cleaning Routine

Due to the nature of the bathroom, mould can be an ongoing issue. Even if you clean now and again, you might still encounter mould in the grooves between tiles, walls, and your bathroom rug.

Prevent this by maintaining a regular cleaning routine with intelligent storage and cleaning.

Take Note Of And Replace Cracking Bathroom Grout


Cracked grout is a problem that occurs regularly in most bathrooms. And unfortunately, it can stay for some time since it's a job that requires some planning, investment, and DIY skills.

This cracked grout can then collect water and moisture, causing more mould. How to prevent mould in bathroom silicone? Get it repaired at the first sign of damage and keep it clean every day!

Wash Your Shower Curtain, Curtain Liner & Bath Mats Regularly

Again, shower curtains, curtain liners, and bath mats can become a perfect breeding ground for mildew, regular mould, and black mould. You might also find mould on the walls of the bathroom. The easiest way to avoid this is to wash your shower curtains regularly.

Leave the shower curtain or door open after each shower

Ventilation is one of the best ways to remove moisture from the bathroom and eradicate mould on bathroom surfaces. Always open the window and turn on the fan, and you can also leave the bathroom curtain and door open so moisture can dissipate through the house. If your bathroom has no windows, check out our blog article on ways to ventilate your bathroom properly.

Avoid Leaving Wet Towels On The Floor

Mould can start to multiply, in some cases within 24 hours, depending on the bathroom conditions. This means that wet towels left on the floor can be a breeding ground for mould.

To prevent further mould in the bathroom, permanently remove wet towels from the floor, and you can also check out our guide on how to get rid of mould.

Getting Rid of Black Mould In the Bathroom

The NHS states mould can cause respiratory problems and those with pre-existing conditions such as asthma can be more susceptible to adverse effects to mould. Take the measures below to minimise and prevent its presence in your bathroom.

Wipe Wet Surfaces Down Regularly

The Cleveland Clinic says mould can occurs naturally in spaces where moisture and oxygen levels are high, which is plentiful in the bathroom. To prevent this, wear rubber gloves and wipe wet surfaces regularly.

Don't forget to wipe down the bathtub, the bathroom door, and other surfaces to prevent spores from taking root.

Get An Anti-Mould Wash And Anti-Mould Paint Additive

Ordinary cleaning products are acceptable for eradicating mould from the bathroom, especially if you clean the surfaces regularly. That said, there are some measures you can take that make life a bit easier. Anti-mould wash and anti-mould paint help keep mould under control.

Use Anti-Mould Condensation Paint For Bathrooms

If you want to defend against mould in the bathroom, use anti-mould condensation paint. This unique formulation seals surfaces and adds a layer of protection against moisture in bathrooms. This paint is challenging and scrubbable; it's also easy to apply and maintain.

How To Get Rid of Mould on Bathroom Ceilings

One of the most common places for mould to grow in the bathroom is the ceiling. That's because moisture in the steam rises and settles on the top allowing spores to take root.

Remove this by wiping the surface with a bleach mixture; remember to open the windows and wear a mask and gloves.

Are you wondering how to prevent mould in the bathroom ceiling in the first place? Ensuring adequate ventilation in the bathroom when you're showering is a great start. Ideally, the fan should be near the shower to wick away steam promptly.

Removing Mould from Bathroom Tiles

Another specific area for mould to grow in the bathroom is on the bathroom tiles. Again, these are excellent places for moisture to become trapped and for spores to take root.

The best way to remove this mould is to apply a bleach solution and allow it to dry, then wipe it down with a wet cloth.


What is the best anti-mould cleaner?

A typical mould remover will contain bleach. Bleach is one of the best solutions to mould growth in your bathroom, and it can be used in a pure form or as part of a mould cleaner.

If you are concerned about the environmental effects of using bleach, you can also buy eco-cleaners.

What are the symptoms of being exposed to mould?

Whether you are sensitive to mould or not, you can experience the health effects of mould exposure if you have some in your bathroom. The health effects of mould include a runny nose, eye irritation, lung irritation, sneezing skin rashes, and even asthma attacks.

Can I Paint Over Mould In The Bathroom?

If you discover mould in your bathroom, it can be tempting to paint over it instead of rolling up your sleeves. Unfortunately, painting over the mould is not a solution. Unless you kill the roots of the bathroom fungus, it will continue to grow through the paint and will reappear on your newly painted bathroom walls.

How Do You Know If It's Black Mould Or Regular Mould?


First, you will know if it's black mould because of its colour. Unlike mildew, regular mould will be raised with a powdery texture. Black mould will also be introduced, but it will be black coloured or dark green. Black mould is also slimy and doesn't clean as quickly as other forms of mould.

Final Thoughts

Mould can be a recurring problem in bathrooms, so it's best to take regular steps to stay on top. While prevention is better than cure, tackling mould when you see it is also crucial; use the best cleaning products for proper bathroom maintenance.

These are some of the simplest ways to prevent mould formation in familiar places like the bathroom ceiling and between tiles. Mould can be harmful to your health, so a robust and regular bathroom cleaning routine is necessary.